3 Simple Tips to Maintain Your Solar Panels at Home

Solar Panels at Home

Shifting to solar panels as a source of energy for your home or workplace might just be the best decision you will make. This is certainly a huge investment as it tends to be expensive. But the returns are quite rewarding. Think of everytime you get your electricity bill, you have to pay a mere fraction of what you paid before. If you get a large enough solar powered system and manage your usage correctly, you can even get a negative bill!

In addition to the several ways it will benefit you financially, installing solar panels for your personal use is a very responsible step to take. Technology has progressed to the point that cars powered by solar energy are being prototyped.

1.    Make Sure You Panels are Working Efficiently

The amount of energy the sun produces in a single day can power the whole earth. But this energy still needs to be harnessed efficiently. We have a few tips for you to make sure your panels are working at their optimal levels.

Make sure you install your panels in an area that is kept completely out of shade at all daylight hours. You need to install them at an angle that will ensure the maximum exposure to sunlight throughout the day. This is highly dependent on the professionals installing it. You need to make sure they calculate everything correctly.

You may want to get a second opinion. If after installation, you feel like your panels are not absorbing sunlight at maximum efficiency, you can get their angles changed.

You need to make sure that your excess electricity is actually being sold to an electricity supplier, and not wasted. Sometimes, if the system is not correctly set up, a lot of the electricity produced can actually be wasted.
You need to ask the company you’re working with to specifically add the sort of system that sells excess electricity back. It is a good idea to document the daily energy levels that your system is producing, compare them to the energy produced on a cloudy day versus an extremely sunny day.

These things will allow you to realise if there are any kinks in your system and ask the company for adjustments.

2.    Keep the Panels Clean

A common misconception is that there is no need to clean solar panels. This is not true! Layers of dust piling on top of the panels will actually make its energy production process much less efficient.

There are several options when it comes to cleaning your panels. If you are unable to do it yourself, you can install an automated cleaning system which will regularly wipe any dust or debris from the panels. However, this system can be an added unnecessary expense.

Instead, try to make time do them yourselves. Cleaning your panels is much simpler than you might expect. Ask the company that installed your solar panels to provide you with a solar panel cleaning kit. The kit will contain  a specialised soap, a wiper and a brush. You can simply use plain water to remove any dust from the panels. It really is that simple.

You need to use a soft sponge or cloth to clean the glass surface. Make sure to not leave any scratches. Scratches can damage or lower the efficiency of the energy conversion process. A harsh medium should definitely not be used for cleaning.

If no stubborn debris is stuck to the panels, running water will do the trick! Make sure to have a safety system installed so you do not end up falling from the slippery roof surface. A harness should do the trick. The frequency of cleaning should be dependent on the type of panels you have installed. Ask your company for the best recommendation. Make sure to not end up damaging your panels because repairing solar panels can be extremely costly.

3.    Keep Electrical Components Protected

In addition to the panels, you will have a myriad of different electrical components in your house to change the supply of your home’s electricity supply. You will have a converter installed and another display box that will give you updates on energy levels.

All of these need to be protected from different environmental factors. Get in touch with an electrical distribution box factory. They will make safe customized enclosures for all your electrical components to protect them from factors like rain and dust.


Remember, installing solar panels is a great step to building a home that you are truly proud of! A home that is built while being mindful of the needs of today’s world. You will set an excellent example for your neighbours and your children. Hopefully you will influence them into following in your footsteps. Sustainability really is the future. By taking this step today, you are ensuring the well being of your future generations.

Categorized as Home Decor