How to clean wall stains and marks?

The wall stains and marks can be daunting. They’re unsettling to look at. Besides, it can be not very pleasant for your guests too. Regardless of where those marks came from, it would help if you cleaned them. They spread negativity and ruin the aesthetics of your house. You wouldn’t like seeing yellow spots daily, would you? Understandably, you wouldn’t want to ruin the paint on your wall. Therefore, we have an extensive guide on how to clean wall stains. Stay tuned and pick your remedy.

How to clean the stains on the wall?

If you have just started living alone or you’re someone who has limited ideas on how to clean wine stains and others on the wall, don’t worry. This article is for you. Firstly, know that you have to approach various stains in a personalised manner for their effective removal. Secondly, you have to try our suggested remedies.

Essentials you need to grab

Before we clean the stains on the wall, find some of the essentials in your house. The products you might need are:

  1. Microfibre cloth
  2. Warm water
  3. Baking Soda
  4. Vinegar
  5. Lime juice
  6. Cleaning erasers
  7. Detergent/Soap
  8. Cleaner

Practical solutions for stains and marks:

  1. How to eliminate loose dirt and grime marks on the wall?

Unknowingly, you or your kids might put your oily hands on the walls. Moreover, the dirt can get accumulated on the walls through windows. So here’s what your need to do:

  1. Take clean and cold water in a bucket.
  2. Next, take your microfibre cloth, and soak it in the water.
  3. Wipe the walls, and remove the loose dirt
  4. Then, make a solution of warm water and detergent.
  5. Change the cloth, and use it to wipe the dirt and the grime.
  6. You can also try the mixture of 1 cup ammonia, ½ cup apple cider vinegar, ¼ baking soda, and one gallon of warm water. This will disinfect your wall and remove grime effectively.
  1. How to remove ink, crayon, and pencil stains on the wall?

If you or your kid were trying to bring out the artist inside yourselves, we understand that. It’s fun to do some wall art. Besides, it’s a stress buster. But what if you don’t like it and want it removed? There’s no point in stressing when you can use a solution. Just remember to clean the marks in a circular motion and wipe it with a clean cloth at the end.

  1. If the stationery stain is fresh, act quickly and remove it with cleaning wipes or baby wipes.
  2. The crayon stain can be removed by using cleaning erasers. You can also remove it by rubbing nail polish remover, toothpaste (not gel), pencil eraser, baby wipes, or baking soda with water.
  3. To remove the pencil stain, dip your cloth in the baking soda and water solution.
  4. Your ball-point ink mark can go by rubbing foaming shaving cream or nail remover onto it.
  1. How to clean grease stains on the wall?

You might usually have some grease stain on your kitchen walls. This is because when we cook food, our hands or utensils may touch the wall. That could result in mild to harsh stains. Here’s how to clean that grease stain on the wall.

  1. Firstly, if the grease is removable, scrape it off gently with a spatula
  2. Secondly, make a mixture of hot water and dishwashing detergent
  3. Next, take a cloth and dip it in this solution. Remove the excess water
  4. Now, wipe the grease stain on the wall until removed
  5. If the stain is stubborn, you can use a chemical cleanser or a degreaser
  1. How to clean wine stains on the wall?

It seems like someone’s favourite drink is wine, and someone somehow spilt it over the wall. Whatever the incident might be, know that the wine stain can be notorious for removing. This is because they act like a dye. But you can try the following steps.

  1. Wipe the wine stain off with a damp cloth or sponge. The fresh stains will get removed immediately.
  2. If not, then pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide on the cloth. Dab the fabric on the stain. Please don’t rub, as it can promote spreading.
  3. The stain must be harsh if it’s still not gone. To remove it, use 1 part of bleach with four pieces of water. Wash the stained area with this mixture. Wipe off with a clean damp cloth
  1. How to clean tea stains on the wall?

If you’re a tea lover, you might have experienced tea stains on the wall. It must be irritating to watch the mark regularly. Therefore, you can learn how to clean tea stains on the wall.

  1. Take a bowl of warm water, and add three drops of dishwashing detergent. You can also add 1 cup of distilled vinegar. Besides, you can make a solution of ½ a cup of baking soda and warm water. It’s your choice.
  2. Next, dip the cloth or sponge in the mixture and remove excess water.
  3. Then, wipe off the tea stain on the wall.
  4. Now, use a clean microfiber damp cloth and remove the solution from the wall.
  5. Lastly, you can also try and apply the stain remover to your mark.
  1. How to get rid of the permanent marker spot on the wall?

The permanent markers have “permanent” in their name, but it isn’t the case when you remove them from the wall. The steps for their removal are,

  1. Grab the rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball
  2. Soak the cotton in the isopropyl alcohol and dab it on the stain in a circular motion
  3. If this doesn’t work, spray the hairspray on the marker stain. Then wipe it away with a clean cloth.
  4. Moreover, you can use nail polisher remover and toothpaste for removal. Remember to wipe the toothpaste off with warm water after 5 minutes.

Final Words

Most of us like hanging beautiful art or picture frames on the wall. We might even hide a stain through the racks. But that doesn’t change the fact that your wall has marks that could damage the quality of the wall. Therefore, this article guides you on how to clean wall stains. It’s effortless. Take out time to clean your walls and make them more aesthetic.


1. How to remove kitchen grease stains from the wall?

You can effectively remove your grease stain with a mixture of hot water and detergent. Then, soak your cloth and remove the stain.

2. How to remove harsh grime from the wall?

Make a solution of 1 cup ammonia, ½ cup apple cider vinegar, ¼ baking soda, and one gallon of warm water. Dip a cloth in it and wipe the stain off.

3. How to remove crayon stain from the wall?

You can remove the crayon stain by rubbing toothpaste (not gel) on the wall. Additionally, you can use baby wipes.