How To Do Modern Calligraphy

Modern Calligraphy

Calligraphy which is commonly known as visual art of writing. It is a method of making the letters of different languages more eye catching and appealing. Calligraphy was taught in early ages and a trend of traditional calligraphy was running throughout every era. Today, there are two types of calligraphy

  • Traditional calligraphy: which have strict, specific and structured individual strokes which eventually create different letters. Moreover, the tools and measures of height and angles should be precise and accurate.
  • Modern calligraphy: however, modern calligraphy allows freedom in writing letters.

The thing is calligraphy isn’t something you draw differently from casual letters. No, you can’t call it calligraphy. It requires precisely measured angles and height for a letter. For modern calligraphy what you can use is given as

Brush pens:

Brush pen is a very easy to use pen and is best for beginners. It is considered best for beginners because of its flexibility which allows to create thick and thin letters. Therefore, this one is must to have. There are about some 7 best brush pen you can find easily in market.

Remember one thing a good pen is like a good wand for a magician. So, don’t settle fir cheap pens.

Dip pens:

Dip pens are no doubt traditional but are best to use. A dip pen with straight or oblique holder is not as easier to learn as the above-mentioned brush pens so you have to stay patient while learning with the traditional dip pen. As you need to hold it at a specific angle and position it at good height for beautiful letters. Another thing to focus on is that it can create a mess due to continuous dips in ink. Therefore you need to be careful about using it.


Mighty pencils are the basis of every artist and art student. Basically, here in calligraphy, it can be used as a letter rough sketch maker as for the beginners and itself can be used to draw letters If someone is low on budget or very beginner in this art learning. Use a ruler while you’re drawing letters with a pencil specifically, rolling ruler. This is how you will get precise lines, height, and angles for your letters.

Digital calligraphy:

Digital calligraphy, on the other hand, is a remarkable thing we have in modern calligraphy. Where you don’t need papers and high endcalligraphy products. All you need to install is a calligraphy software like an Inpage software which is a software for Urdu, Persian and other related languages. And you can easily get Urdu Inpage free download software from atozsofts website where it is free. It allows a wide range of languages with beautiful calligraphy. Digital calligraphy is being preferred because it’s cheap, easy to use, less waste of time, less messy and you can eventually have good prints than that of handwritten calligraphy. But people with great passion and interest towards handwritten calligraphy are yet practicing over traditional ways of calligraphy and they prefer it over digital calligraphy.