4 Major Benefits Of Using A Ride On Scrubber Floor Cleaner

Ride On Scrubber Floor Cleaner

When it comes to buying new equipment for your business, cleaning products is probably not high on your list of exciting things you could get. But whilst you may see cleaning operations as merely a tick-box exercise for health and safety, investing in the right equipment could actually dramatically reduce your cleaning down-time and increase your productivity. And at the end of the day, an increase in productivity is an increase in profits.

What are ride-on scrubbers?

Ride On Scrubber Floor Cleaner

Ride-on scrubbers are floor cleaning machines that the user can operate by sitting at a wheel and driving it. They are widely used for cleaning procedures across a number of industries and business types. But of course, ride on scrubbers are just one of several types of floor cleaning machines you could get. So let’s take a look at the benefits of selecting a ride on scrubber over a sweeper or a walk-behind scrubber.

1)    Speed

Ride on scrubbers can clean large surfaces areas faster than a walk-behind scrubber where you are limited by the speed in which the operator can walk. And they can also clean a large surface area in a fraction of the time it would take to drag a mop and bucket around the facility. So if you have a large space to cover, a ride-on scrubber is ideal.

By enabling your staff to clean your facility faster, you’re freeing up time and energy to focus on other things. This will in turn increase your productivity and boost your profits.

2) Quality

Taking a mop and bucket around the floor can provide a certain level of cleaning. But have you ever wondered how effective it is to keep dipping the mop into a bucket of contaminated and dirty water? Using a scrubber is far more effective and hygienic as the dirty water gets sucked away.

A mop and bucket also leaves a larger margin for human error. If the operator of a mop gets bored and forgets to wring out the mop regularly, they’re essentially just spreading dirt. Whereas the operator of a scrubber just has to focus on navigating and leaves the hard work of actually cleaning to the machine.

3) Easy to Operate

As we’ve already established, ride on scrubbers take a lot less energy and effort to operate than a mop and bucket. They don’t require much physical effort and very little skill as the machine does all of the actual cleaning. Ride on scrubbers can therefore be operated by pretty much any member of staff.

4) Multi-step Cleaning

A quality scrubber offers multi-step cleaning. This means that not only does it clean and scrub the floor, but it also buffs and dries it too. By doing so, it doesn’t just offer a higher level of cleanliness but also saves time and boosts health and safety. After cleaning a floor with a mop and bucket, there is an inevitable wait period afterward where the floor is wet, slippery and needs to be left to dry. By using a scrubber, you are removing that period of time completely which minimizes the risk of slips and falls and allows your staff to get straight back to work without delay.


Although it may cost more than a bucket and mop at first, a ride on scrubber can save you time, money and energy whilst also maintaining a higher standard of cleanliness. So why wouldn’t you use one?