Take a chance and gift her your idea of first love

“I didn’t plan on falling in love with you and I doubt if you planned on falling in love with me. But once we met, it was clear that neither of us could control what was happening to us”. – The Notebook

Remember the first time you saw her walking towards you in the corridor, you spotted her in the room full of dancing people, or shared the same desk in the library and eventually thought of sharing your life together. Your first love may or may not be love at first sight but, everything else that happens after your heart associates a person with love is indeed for the first time. The school time love, the college flings and the first love which is forever each one have a definite beginning with initiatives and first impressions. Her one glance to get you hooked to the idea of being with her and instigating you to take a chance, the collywobbles you get when you find her sitting beside you. The rambling words that come out from the excitement, it all is just exceptionally amazing to live with. All of a sudden you spend hours in front of the mirror to make your first move, oh boy! All of it is just so electrifying to think of. All that happens and you do for the first time remains fresh for the years to go. So, the first gift that you give her also leaves a long-lasting impression. The first unique gift for girlfriend also should be planned as this how she would try to know you as a person. We have got some gifts as the ideal ones to suit your first gift to you lady love:

1. Personalized Lamp: Topping the list is this masterpiece that could be used as a message conveyer. At times, you just find it hard enough to make her listen to your words exactly how it is in your head. To make your first words of expression about how you feel about her and say that you have fallen for her, these lamps will do it just right. Your words glowing in the dark and making her captivated to your thoughts is something you should bid on. Words and images imprinted and filling the space with the glow of your love is what makes it your first offering.

2. Ceramic diffuser – A mild aroma to drape her in your thoughts and the look of sophistication to fall for is the idea behind a diffuser. The fragrance runs in the background and you running in her mind makes it a good pick. Diffuser gifts make way to her room, with crisp look kept on her side table.

3. Bamboo with candles: A sober yet thoughtful gift, you can plant your seeds in heart and see it grow with the connections and understanding you share. This bamboo as a good start is something different from the regular lot. Online unique gift for girlfriend4. Wind chimes: The pleasant sound of your love floating in the air and the sober looking strings of the chime setting the rhythm of your heart. You would know love is in the air when she blushes looking at you as the chime has set the beat in motion.

A romantic start with a meaningful gift and then uttering the three heartfelt words to love will make a perfect love story. It is time to start your love with an execution that involves your words and ideas and gets the inner you out to her.

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