6 benefits of Detox Drinks & Shakes: Things To Know

Up for a detox? Looking for the right detox drinks? Does it benefit? Well, we have all the answers to your never ending questions. Detoxification refers to the cleansing of the body and protecting it from harmful toxins. Detox is the new cool and is believed to be highly effective as stated by all those who have experienced its natural benefits. So, before getting into the crux of it and starting to prepare a detox drink or shake for yourself, let us have a look at some of the top benefits of consuming detox drinks and shakes in your diet:

  • Aids Weight Loss

Figuring out how to lose weight? Try out detox drinks like aloe & water with lemon or cumin seed water. You can drink it in the morning (preferably fasted state) and this may help in natural weight loss. Also, do keep in mind to follow it religiously without any gap. If you are into fitness training, you can even consume whey protein for weight loss. Whey protein powder is believed to have multiple health benefits including weight loss.

  • Improves Liver Function

With the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, our liver requires immense nourishment and care for its functioning. Detox drinks support good liver function by flushing out toxins from the body and provides essential digestive juices for the body.

  • Helps In Better Digestion

Detox drinks help in better digestion as it provides the body with healthy nutrients acting as laxative agents soothing your digestive system. Mint and lemon are widely used for acid regulation in the stomach. Mint is enriched with super antioxidants that are extremely good for an upset stomach.

  • Reduces Inflammation & Fights Free Radical

Our unhealthy eating habits have deeply taken a toll on our health and therefore, with the consumption of detox drinks, the body is at a reduced risk of inflammation. Ginger with lemon tea is one of the most common and highly effective detox drinks that helps in reducing inflammation in the body.

  • Provides Essential Nutrients – Vitamins and Minerals

Detox drinks are specially for the body to provide it with essential nutrients that are important for various body functions and support. Lemon, raspberry, amla etc are few commonly used citrus items in drinks that are enriched with a plethora of vitamins, and therefore, helps in better detox.

  • Cleanses The Body & Promotes Good Hair and Skin

Detox drinks are believed to reduce the signs of ageing. Whilst supporting better liver health, it helps in cleansing the body and keeping it healthy.

Popular Detox drinks:

  • Ginger, Lemon and Honey Drink
  • Lemonade
  • Cumin Seed Water Soaked Overnight
  • Carrot, Orange & Mint Drink
  • Cucumber & Mint Detox Drink

We are sure this article has helped you understand the importance of detoxification and its natural health benefits. Once you have started taking up these popular detox drinks there is no way you are going to stop. The health benefits of consuming the same are endless, and therefore, we recommend you to explore it by yourself.

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