Benefits of choosing nursing as a career

If you dream of pursuing a degree that, in addition to training as a very competitive professional for the work environment, allows you to have a positive impact on society and your environment in general, do not stop reading! In this article, we will talk about why studying Nursing can be an excellent option for you to develop.

And it is one of the most respected careers around the world, especially because exercising it does not only imply that you have a lot of knowledge about the different types of conditions that a person can have, but also a vocation for service, goodness and patience.

Keep in mind that, on occasion, the work of nurses implies accompanying patients for long hours or at night, in addition to that it implies a high level of empathy and emotional intelligence.

However, although to obtain this professional title and exercise it, you must have a very specific profile and be willing to be constantly updated and trained, you should know that it can offer you multiple benefits.

Would you like to know some of the benefits of nursing as a career? If your answer is positive, don’t stop reading!

1. You will acquire a complete training

The Bachelor of Nursing is one of the most complete in the educational offer at the national and international level since its field of study deals from biochemistry and nutrition to preventive medicine.

This is due to the fact that the graduates of this training alternative perform a great diversity of functions related to the maintenance of the health, rehabilitation and social integration of the patient, as well as the preparation of people for the interventions or explorations indicated by the doctors who attend.

To have more clarity on what topics you will have to study during the university stage to exercise these activities, the first thing you need to know is that, regularly, the curriculum is divided into three axes: basic area, major area and axiological area.

The basic area focuses its knowledge on the practical training that every nurse should have in terms of the human body. For that reason, subjects are taught, such as Anatomy and Physiology, Biochemistry, Epidemiology, Pharmacology, Nutrition, Biostatistics, to name a few.

In the greater area, the subjects are more focused on the history and fundamentals of Nursing such as Nursing History, Nursing Care Process, Fundamentals of Nursing, Education and Health Promotion, Mental Health Nursing, Pediatric Nursing and Nursing in the adolescent, among others.

On the other hand, the chairs that you will have to study in Nursing in the Axiological area orient their knowledge to other disciplines that are of great relevance for students to achieve good performance in the work environment in general, such as Research Methodologies, Applied Computer Science, Analysis and Writing of the Clinical Record, and Business Leadership.

As you can see, it is an academic program that is not only very diverse and dynamic, but also very specialized and, therefore, highly valued by the labor market. You can even enhance your skills and credentials with a post-masters FNP.

Of course, since advances are constantly being made in the world of medicine, it is important that you be clear that your training will not end the day you graduate and get your degree, but that you should always be up to date in your area of knowledge.

2. You will have a lot of employment opportunities

One of the issues that young people pay the most attention in deciding which degree they will choose to continue your training is the employability they will have when choosing the academic options of their interest.

There is a shortage of nursing. In the case of the Nursing career, you’ll be glad to know that finding a job opportunity will not be difficult for you. In fact, quite the opposite, since you will have a great diversity of possibilities to develop.

Upon completion of your studies, you can work in hospitals, clinics, health centers, nursing homes, offices, rehabilitation centers and companies of all kinds in the area of health services.

Also, if you have always had an interest in teaching or research, you will also have the tools to develop in these areas.

On the other hand, you will also have the option of working independently and providing your services at home. If you opt for this alternative, you can have greater control over the hours in which you will provide your services, the type of activities you will perform and the costs of your work.

3. You can aspire to a competitive salary

Another factor that usually has a lot of weight for some students when choosing the university degree they will study is the salary that they can aspire to in the different degrees that match their talents, goals and preferences.

If this is your case, it is important that you know that, although compensation is an important aspect that you should keep in mind before making a decision, it should not be a determining element.

Now, the reality is that as a nurse you can aspire to a competitive salary that allows you to reach many of your goals, such as improving your quality of life and being a support for your family.

4. You will have what it takes to assist close people in health problems

If you have always been very aware of your family and have a great interest in being there for your closest beings whenever they need you, you should know that studying Nursing can help you provide great support to those around you.

And is that by opting for this academic option you will have the necessary tools to take care of your loved ones in case they have any disease or suffer an accident, of course, under the instructions of a doctor.

Additionally, your training will allow you to contribute positively to those around you, also when performing prevention work, explaining some causes of risk for certain pathologies and providing recommendations to preserve health.

This of course also applies to yourself, since another of the great benefits you will get from becoming a nurse is that you will know much more about the human body and how to boost your physical well-being.

Never forget that to help others, you must first be well, so it is key that you stay in a good state.

5. You will grow as a person

It is clear that the university stage and the exercise of a professional career, regardless of which one you choose, drives you to grow both professionally and personally; However, you should know that studying Nursing can teach you many things and help you develop multiple skills for your life in general.

And, although the idea is that those who decide to pursue this degree already have some characteristics, such as empathy, emotional intelligence, assertiveness, among others, without a doubt, the exercise of this profession will help you to enhance them greatly.

By being in contact with patients who experience some difficult situations and who require your support to get ahead, your ability to understand those around you, regulate your emotions and move forward in the face of any adversity that comes your way will grow.

For this reason, you can also become an example for others when you graduate, since you will have key tools to contribute positively to your environment and fight for the well-being of those around you.


Do you have any questions about what awaits you when studying Nursing or the university stage in general? In case your answer is positive, do not hesitate to write to us in the comments section! We love being in touch with you.

Categorized as Health