University of Phoenix and the Rise of Digital Literacy

The pace of digital technology has moved faster than anyone could have dreamed 30 years ago. Devices that once filled entire rooms now run with just a fraction of that power and size within every modern laptop or tablet. Current smartphones are millions of times more powerful than the NASA computers that guided the Apollo 11 mission that took man to the moon. And the number of resources and tools available through technology has exploded as well.


Businesses of all sizes are targeted by hackers, not just larger firms. System breaches require time and funds to recover from and restore. They also cause damage not just to infrastructure and customer data lost but also to a company’s public reputation. supplement other cybersecurity programs available through University of Phoenix that provide more insight to students interested in the specialty fields of network forensics or digital forensics.

As things change, employees also need to change in order to keep up. The rise of virtual connections and technological advances means employees need to have digital literacy like never before. Current educational systems must offer programs that capitalize on the fast-paced technological changes that are affecting every industry. more than a third of college students (undergraduate and post-baccalaureate) reported taking online courses. With the 2020 pandemic, even more students were forced to choose between online education or delaying their educational goals.

When it comes to teaching agile courses, educational providers like University of Phoenix are well-equipped to do so. Programs that have offered virtual classes and online courses for quite some time are ahead of the curve. They leverage top technology that introduces students to new learning formats and digital platforms. University of Phoenix was one of the first schools to offer a fully online educational program in 1989. What was then heralded as a “shake-and-bake” degree option has now been adopted by nearly every school in the country in some manner. By 2018, more than a third of college students (undergraduate and post-baccalaureate) reported taking online courses. With the 2020 pandemic, even more students were forced to choose between online education or delaying their educational goals.

Because of changes across industries, many employers are no longer looking at online degrees as a “less-than” factor. Agile employers are recognizing that online schools offer a solid education that may even push learners to have greater digital literacy.

About University of Phoenix

University of Phoenix first opened in 1976 as a community brick-and mortar university and received accreditation by 1989 for online courses. The school is now well-known as an online school supporting underserved working adults who benefit from flexibility in their schedules.